Thursday, October 18, 2012

Uploading a video soon!

LOL This is what I go through when I'm filming!
BTW, that's my niece Aleena in the back.
Do you guys think it's unprofessional to have kids in the background of videos? Or, do you think it's cute?
LMK down below in the comments! I'd really appreciate it!

FYI, this video still isn't the video I'll be uploading next.
I finally received my VoxBox from and I'll be uploading my "unboxing" video shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Love the color of your scarf and nails. :) Your niece is adorable too. In my opinion, I think it's cute to have kids in the background of videos. They will definitely make a lot of viewers happy. I don't have a problem at all seeing kids in videos. They make my day and make me smile. :)

    Thank you so much on sharing your method on how you apply ELF powder. It seems like it will prevent mess and a lot of fall out too. I will definitely try your tip. :)

    Looking forward to seeing your unboxing video. Take care. :)
