Saturday, November 10, 2012

How I take notes for college

I've never been fond of using notecards for notes, but they've proved useful these past few semesters of college. Sure, jotting down notes in a notebook is good, but not for reviewing terms, vocabulary, or concepts for a class. Notecards are the way to go...just make sure you're organized!

First, buy yourself a coupon/notecard holder
This is a coupon holder I got from Wal-Mart for about $2 or less, but you can get them anywhere!
For the notecards they can be any size. It depends on how much you have to write. For me, I'm using the regular sized notecards and I cut them in half. There are a lot of terms to remember in my geography class so that's why I cut the notecards in half so I don't have to buy so many notecards. This proves to be helpful for psychology courses as well since there's usually a ton of things to remember.

The first thing I do when I'm writing the notecards is write down the chapter number in a different color than the actual term. This way I know exactly which chapter I'm reviewing the term for. Next, after I've written down the chapter number for every single term for that chapter, I write down all the terms on a separate notecard. Finally, I look up the definition of each term and define them on the back of the notecard with the lines. The notecard process is finished. All that's left is REVIEWing them...which is what I have to do this weekend! Good luck to everyone who has to study! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your note card idea. This looks like a very easy way to find specific notes and memorize them. As much as I love transcribing notes on a notebook, thumbing through pages can get frustrating when I want to look for something in particular.

    These note cards look very handy too. Now I have something to look forward to when I go back to school :)
