Monday, February 25, 2013

College Life: Economics

Who else struggles with economics classes? I'm taking my second course of economics and I'm just not seeing any progress in my grades. I'm not failing, however my grades aren't at the point where I want them to be. When I read the material I understand it, but when I'm in class and the professor is rattling on about it I don't have a clue what he's saying. Of course, somethings are self-explanatory, but I don't get what he's talking about! It could be his way of teaching; I'm not used to lecture based classes where it's all about the professor lecturing and barely any discussion. Seldom does my class ever discuss nor do we have homework. Our only homework is reading the chapters. Perhaps economics isn't my thing! I love accounting and all the other classes associated with business, but economics is a nightmare! *SIGH* I hope I can bring up my grade for economics...or else I'm going to take the class online...or maybe just at a different college. #FML

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